What are the “3 buckets” for a career in localization and how to find a job?
The #localization industry needs creative and competent people now more than ever. If you have a passion for languages, now is the time to double down on your skills and dig out your niche. Things are changing, but there are a ton of new opportunities cropping up everywhere. Don’t give up and don’t be scared.
This is advice straight from Florian Faes, Managing Director and Co-founder of #Slator (the localization industry’s largest intelligence publication). If anyone is qualified to give advice about our industry, it is him.
In this episode of #MergingMinds, Florian joins our host Javi Diaz to chat about the future of the industry as well as:
- How to separate hype about #AI from reality
- What kinds of people the industry needs
- The need for creative people
- The “3 buckets” for a career in localization
- Finding jobs in #loc
- A key piece of advice for starting out in localization
- Dealing with fear of the future
- The importance of keeping experts in the loop
Click play to hear from Florian and Javi as they carve a path forward in uncertain times! And don’t forget to subscribe to hear more from Javi Diaz and Gabriel Fairman every Tuesday and Thursday wherever podcasts are found!
You can learn more about Florian Faes and Slator at:
Join us at the Slator London Conference on May 23, 2024:
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