Should we be polite to AI tools? After all, they aren't humans. Still, something feels wrong about being rude.

Merging Minds host Gabriel Fairman and Professor Ali Hasan discuss why this is on the latest episode of Merging Minds. They also discuss:

  • Applications of philosophy in AI development
  • How to know if something is true
  • AI hijacking rational perspectives
  • How to know that we have consciousness
  • The risks of anthropomorphizing AI
  • Does AI have consciousness? Will AI develop a consciousness?
  • The danger of being passive readers
  • The benefits and risks of being nice to AI
  • Anthropomorphism vs. Personification
  • The difficulty of separating human and machine interactions

And much more!

Listen to the great conversation between Professor Hasan and Gabriel!

You can learn more about Ali Hasan here, and check out his work with BABL.AI here.

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube and wherever else podcasts are found!

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Gabriel Fairman

Tech Founder

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Gabriel Fairman, CEO of Bureau Works and father of three, grew up in a multilingual home. Driven by his passion for languages and their role in defining us, he enjoys cooking, playing guitar, and sports. Recognized for his innovation, Gabriel was honored with the 2023 Innovator of the Year Award at LocWorld Silicon Valley.

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